The name "Sagittarius" comes from Latin and in english means archer. This constellation has the shape of an archer and because of the greek mythology it can symbolize the Quiron centaur, who gave his inmortal life to save Prometeo, because he was tired to be alive.
If you want to locate it:
Sagittarius is a Northern Summer Constellation.
You can see the constellation Sagittarius at different times of the year depending on where you are in the world. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you can see it during the summer months; if you live in the Southern hemisphere, then it's visible during the winter months.
People often recognize the Sagittarius constellation as a teapot because they consider it easier to find when looking
for that figure instead of a centaurus.
This constellation is located between Scorpio and Capricorn. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, you can locate Sagittarius, finding the Milky Way, and then following it to the southern horizon. Then you’ll be able to find this constellation because it is the most
southerly of them. The best place to see it is a location outside a city where the sky is darker.